Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Meadow, explored

Here we see a close-up of the meadow, which gives Whitetop it's name.  In early maps, particularly those of the 18th century (Fry-Jefferson Map, especially), Whitetop is called, "Meadow Mountain".  Appropriate.  There are geologists who believe (as does the Loafer) that Whitetop is, in fact, an extinct volcano.  This meadow would be the vegetated remains of the caldera, hence the lack of abundant trees in the meadow.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

When one wanders...

...truly wonders, one comes upon images and sites that catch one's attention and leave an impression.  Here we see Whitetop Mountain (to the viewers right) and Mt. Rogers (left), the 2nd highest and highest elevations within the Commonwealth of Virginia.  I've always had this view...since I was young I would walk out the door of my parents' home and there they were, in all their majesty, Mt. Rogers and Whitetop (formerly Meadow Mountain).  Both look down like fixed sentinels over the Holston Valley of Southwest Virgina.  Of course, this view is seen from the viewer looking southeast.